Personal Development
Acadia values the importance of social engagement and personal growth - on a corporate level and an individual level. Acadia employees are encouraged to participate in company events, health initiatives and training courses.

Our mentoring program is designed to provide mentees the opportunity to learn, grow and perform at their current job more effectively. Through hands-on experience, mentees are given direction, support and feedback to help develop technical skills and personal competencies, helping to increase job satisfaction, commitment and communication. Mentees also benefit from an increased understanding of Acadia's business by gaining exposure to a different functional area beyond their current role.
In return, mentors will be able to use the program to reinforce their commitment to Acadia's Human Capital plan and all of its components. This also provides the mentor an avenue to increase their coaching and listening skills, while demonstrating their leadership qualities.
Cross-training is an essential program that creates a work environment that enables the participating member the opportunity to learn and grow. It promotes two-way communication between departments for improved work performance, increasing communication to enhance training activities in functional areas. Cross-training allows employees to gain a deeper appreciation of the work of other departments, as well as how the work of each participant plays a part in achieving Acadia's goals.
Continued Education
Acadia believes that educated, well-trained employees produce better results in the workplace. Therefore, we support and encourage our employees to further their education through formal programs in order to enhance the employees' ability to do their jobs or grow into new, more valuable roles for the company.
Acadia utilizes coaches in the workplace so that our employees can achieve the desired results through proper guidance and training, therefore increasing efficiency at work. Coaches can provide critical tools and techniques to help employees excel and perform their jobs more effectively.